No, we aren’t talking old English pubs here (ie The Old Nag’s Head) even though having a beer or two while chatting on Twitter at #DadChat seem to go hand in hand Well, that’s for the guys… as us refined #DadChat girls would only admit to drinking cocktails, of course!

#DadChat Fun
Bruce Sallan brought up the subject of ‘nagging’ this week which almost turned into another #DadChat Gender War! As we all know, Bruce can certainly get discussions going and entertain us on his own. But what happens if you add his lovely wife Debra Usher aka @debralusher into the mix? Lots of fun! They kept us smiling and many of us couldn’t stop our fingers and had to join in the banter. I’m sure it’s ‘one up’ for the girls AGAIN! (Sorry guys!)
Joking aside, it’s nice to see the fun side of life! It’s important and Bruce Sallan shows that in many of his comments and dealings with others. He conveys fun along with the serious things that he wants us to consider. It’s a balance of attitude; life can be tough at times but we can still be positive and make efforts to overcome the negative aspects that we face. Not always easy and can be a slow process but I think Bruce has a great way of sharing these things with us and is realistic. You just have to look at his website to see that. Ok, I will stop plugging Bruce now! AND before you ask… NO, he isn’t paying me! LOL I just recommend that if you like varied discussions and/or sites go check him out and pop into #DadChat and say hello!
Anyway, my aim here was to make the point that we all have our ‘stereotyping’ as men and women and it can be fun – IF you are in decent relationship or marriage. Then you are able to joke about these things and know it is meant lovingly (well, kinda!). Like on the subject of nagging. (Which I think men do more of anyway! hehe) In relationships we all have our annoyances but if you are in a good relationship you can smile and grunt at the same time. This is a wonderful thing and it should be appreciated but…
#DadChat Seriousness
Even in a so-called good relationship, nagging can be a problem for many. It can happen to us all at times. We can get over the bad patches but if you are in a difficult relationship then nagging just isn’t funny at all and it can be a SERIOUS problem. So even though some of us can find it funny there will be those of us that this subject will touch a raw nerve with. And none of it will be funny, which is understandable.
Firstly, Bruce brought to our attention the excellent article ‘Meet the Marriage Killer’ that was in The Wall Street Journal. He mentions it on his page ‘When Will You Stop Nagging Me‘ which you should have a look at. He then introduced us to his co-host Michele Price of Social Media For Smart People – Creating Awareness, Connections, and Conversions who he says he chose because “she shares my love of being direct, in-your-face, and is not afraid of telling it like it is!”.
So ‘DadChat Takes on Nagging!‘ was a very thought-provoking discussion and Michele aka @ProsperityGal focussed on sharing some great points on the subject and gave some wonderful advice on relationships. And as you all realise by now, #DadChat has a load of followers and contributors. Every week there are new Tweeps joining in or dropping by to say ‘hi’ and observing. On this particular night there were 107 contributors in total and many were sharing amazing thoughts on the subject.
Fun Tweepy Extras
Top 20 Most Popular: @brucesallan (300m), @prosperitygal (126m), @adadspov aka Bruce! (86m), @debralusher aka Bruce’s WIFE! (81m), @manvdadhood (76m), @mimibakermn (60m), @gregortbach (52m), @azmomofmanyhats (45m), @cupcakecutiekit (47m), @sonya_leanonus (44m), @marldble (36m), @sharongreenthal (33m), @readbradthedad (31m), @rebelbrown (32m), @nickversus (26m), @jmodio (25m), @reneemmartinez (24m), @leilanmcnally (20m), @hashtracking (21m), and @karimacatherine (19m).
Top 20 Most Reach: @lorimoreno (143k), @jefffowle (42.7k), @karimacatherine (40.6k), @prosperitygal (36.5k), @marysarahmusic (29.8k), @dabneyporte (26.4k), @kevinlyons (21.2k), @barrybirkett (20.9k), @meghanmbiro (17.5k), @rebelbrown (17.2k), @lovelylu (16.6k), @genuine (14.4k), @cupcakecutiekit (12.7k), @familyfoodie (11.5k), @vicmaranto (10.3k), @matthewliberty (7.9k), @mimibakermn (7.9k), @brucesallan (7.7k), @stevecassady (7.5k), @janetcallaway (6.8k)