Ding ding… seconds out!
Are you ready for the fight?
Who are your supporters? Who is in your corner when you have a fight on your hands? With the boxing metaphor, your ‘seconds’ are those in your corner who have your interests, success, and welfare in mind. They are there to help you prepare for a future fight; they are there during a fight and are there after the fight.
Do you have people in your corner for life’s battles?
Who are the people who provide the encouragement to you? – The “you can do this” response when you most need it?
You may be about to embark on a new relationship… or about to be party to a relationship that has run its course; maybe you are about to start a new venture – or changing jobs; what about that ‘idea’ you have… is anyone saying, yeah, go for it?
Who are your ne’er sayers? Who do you need to consider if you really need to be asking the question of, or listening to, when they never fail to deliver the “can’t do that” response? It’s often a worthwhile exercise identifying your supporters, and the role they might play in your ‘corner’.

Try this!
Grab a sheet of plain paper – draw 3-4 circles starting with a small circle in the centre – this represents ‘you’.
The next circle out is reserved for those you trust with your innermost thoughts and most intimate concerns. Write their names in here.
The next is for those you may turn to for things other than the last – with any further circles furthest away from the centre for professional supporters, colleagues perhaps – you decide but the most important will be closest to you, at the centre of the page!
When you are feeling ‘less than’, or anxious – it’s worth reminding yourself if you are, really are, all alone?

Bob Brotchie is a British counsellor providing private services to clients in the privacy, and comfort, of a truly welcoming environment at his company office. He can be found at Anglia Counselling Ltd, located near Newmarket in Suffolk (GB). Bob also provides counselling, online, for international clients all around the world.
Therapeutic models are often centred around mindfulness, with clients finding 'peace' via the integration of Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) principles.
As of 2016, Bob has also made a free guide available entitled 10 Steps to Conquering Your Anxiety.